Saxony-Anhalt Conservation Advisory Centre

The Advisory Centre provides advice, training and networking. The focus of our work is on the general storage conditions for cultural assets in museums, libraries and other cultural institutions. Counselling is free of charge for institutions in Saxony-Anhalt. The centre is funded by the State Chancellery and the Ministry of Culture and is based at the Gleimhaus as a staff unit. It follows on from the advice centre that existed at the Gleimhaus from 1998 to 2001.


The Advisory Centre advises museums, libraries and other cultural institutions on all matters relating to the preservation of collections. It promotes professional work with the collections. Together with the institutions, the centre develops the storage, presentation and care of collections. Individual consultations can take place digitally, by telephone or on site.

Further training

The Advisory Centre offers regular training courses on conservation and emergency planning in order to further develop the quality of the facilities in this area. The topics arise from the consultation and dialogue with the institutions. The latest developments in conservation are communicated through workshops, (digital) conferences and guided tours.


The Advisory Centre promotes exchange between the collections and supports the development of thematic networks. Workshops and conferences are held to intensify the dialogue between the individual institutions as well as experts, associations and political players.

Contact us

Gleimhaus - Museum of the German Enlightenment

Conservation Advice Centre
Marc Holly
Domplatz 31
38820 Halberstadt

03941 6871-34


Various funding programmes are designed to ensure the long-term preservation of cultural heritage. The Conservation Advisory Centre provides advice on applying for funding and supports and evaluates the measures.


Emergency preparedness

The Advisory Centre advises you on the subject of emergency preparedness. Among other things, support is available for emergency planning, the establishment of new emergency associations and the organisation of emergency exercises.


Loan material

As part of its counselling work, the advice centre offers various devices for loan. This is generally free of charge.



Discover the Advisory Centre's further education and training programme. Digital and face-to-face workshops are offered regularly.



Presentations on funding opportunities

The following videos were recorded as part of a training course on 28 April 2022. In addition to the state programme for Saxony-Anhalt, the two federal programmes of the Coordination Office for the Preservation of Written Cultural Heritage (KEK) and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) were presented. The panel was supplemented and thematically expanded by the Ernst von Siemens Art Foundation with its extensive funding programmes.

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Dr Björn Schmidt provides information on funding opportunities for the preservation of written cultural heritage. The KEK model projects and the BKM special programme will be presented. Under the BKM special programme, larger collections can be deacidified, cleaned, packaged and restored.

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Dr Lutz Miehe informs about the funding guideline "Preservation of written cultural assets in Saxony-Anhalt". The state programme can also be used to co-finance the federal programmes (KEK and BKM).

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Stella Jaeger provides information on funding opportunities for the preservation of cultural assets from the Ernst von Siemens Art Foundation. The foundation also supports the restoration of art and cultural assets.

Emergency preparedness

Crisis management

Floods, heavy rain and fire are just three of the many possible scenarios that threaten our cultural assets. The numerous disasters of the recent past have shown how important local, regional and national networking is in the event of a disaster. The Conservation Advice Centre advises you on the subject of emergency networks and emergency preparedness. Among other things, support is available for the establishment of new emergency associations, the organisation of emergency exercises and further training on special emergency scenarios.

Emergency network

An emergency network is an association of several museums, archives and/or libraries at local or regional level. The aim of an emergency network is to support each other with materials and personnel in the event of an emergency and to prepare together for an emergency and share experiences. This also includes co-operation with the local emergency response authorities. There are currently 3 emergency response networks in Saxony-Anhalt in Magdeburg, Halle (Saale) and the Harz district. Further information and map module: The advice centre supports the establishment of further alliances in Saxony-Anhalt.

Emergency kits

First aid materials should be kept in every facility. Emergency groups can share materials. Several providers offer emergency boxes. The purchase of emergency boxes and risk analyses is eligible for funding.

Further information for download:


Security guidelines for cultural property SiLK

e-learning: Emergency preparedness

Sample emergency plan

The Emergency Network for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Harz district has developed an emergency plan for the protection of cultural property together with the Conservation Advice Centre and the Halberstadt Fire Brigade. This is available to all institutions in Saxony-Anhalt as a template and can be downloaded here:

Template emergency plan Harzkreis-oeffentlich.docxEmergency plan template Harzkreis-oeffentlich.pdf

Videos: Emergency preparedness for cultural property protection

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Loan material

Depot hygiene set

A class H hoover with a comprehensive set of aids for cleaning in the depot or magazine as well as a set of personal protective equipment (PPE) can be borrowed free of charge. Consumables may have to be paid for on a pro rata basis. For further information, please contact our advice centre.

Light and climate measurements

As part of the on-site consultation, climate measuring devices can also be loaned to evaluate your exhibition and storage conditions. The evaluation is carried out by the advice centre. Equipment is also available on loan for measuring illuminance. Loan: free of charge.

Mould test

ATP/ADP/AMP measurements are offered as quality control for cleaning projects. The bioluminescence test provides important information on the contamination of a surface with mould fungi. The measurements are carried out by the advice centre on your premises.

Project RISK

The project

Project RISK: Project to determine and improve the storage conditions of cultural artefacts in museums in Saxony-Anhalt. (2024-2027)

As part of a three-year project by the Saxony-Anhalt Conservation Advisory Centre, a comprehensive and systematic survey of the storage conditions for art and cultural assets is being carried out. The aim is to identify the associated risks, such as flooding, mould or insect infestation, and to ensure the long-term preservation of cultural heritage. This broad-based project at state level is a pilot project that is unique in this form in Germany.

Data on current storage conditions is being collected for around 150 museums in the state and risk analyses are being carried out.
➢ The museums concerned are being provided with comprehensive information and individual advice in order to minimise risks and ensure the long-term preservation of their collections.
➢ An exchange with national and international experts is facilitated at a conference in order to promote knowledge transfer and cooperation.
➢ The data collected is systematically pooled in order to optimise the work of the Saxony-Anhalt Conservation Advisory Centre and to develop general recommendations for the storage and preservation of art and cultural assets in Saxony-Anhalt.


Two project employees analyse the risks to your cultural assets on site.

In addition to the results of the analysis, you will receive a comprehensive guide with specific measures for the respective risks. These are tailored to the structure of your organisation.



Take part

The project is currently still in the start-up phase. Work with the facilities will start in 2025.

Participation is free of charge. All data collected will be treated in strict confidence.

If you are interested, please contact us at:


31. Mar
Uhrzeit: 10:00-15:30 Uhr
Ort: Gleimhaus. Museum der deutschen Aufklärung

Schäden am schriftlichen Kulturgut und Kunst auf Papier erkennen und einordnen.

Ziel des Workshops ist es, anhand zahlreicher Beispiele die verschiedenen Schadensbilder an Schriftgut und Kunst auf Papier und deren Entstehung praxisnah zu vermitteln. Die Teilnehmenden sollen in die Lage versetzt werden, Schadensbilder selbständig…
