The Gleimhaus publication series has been published at irregular intervals since 2003. If you are interested, the volumes in the series can be obtained from the Gleimhaus museum shop or ordered from bookshops, provided they are still available.
While only a few academic conferences were held at the Gleimhaus in the 20th century, a more intensive colloquium program has been in place since 1999. At least every two years, researchers from different countries and disciplines gather at the Gleimhaus to discuss 18th century topics. These conferences are always organised in cooperation with university colleagues. In addition, the Gleimhaus also makes its premises available for third-party conferences and takes on organisational tasks.
The Gleimhaus initiates its own research projects - for example on Halberstadt in the 18th century or on the history of its own collection - and supports research projects of others in an advisory capacity. The Gleimhaus has a particular interest in supporting young academics by providing them with material and advice for their bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses.
The Gleimhaus will host a conference titled "A Multi-Talent of the Enlightenment" on 24 and 25 February 2025, focusing on the life and work of Karl Wilhelm Ramler (1725-1798). Karl Wilhelm Ramler was a significant figure in the literary and cultural life of Berlin during the second half of the 18th century. His professional duties and offices in the Prussian capital were numerous, and his artistic collaborations and publishing projects were cross-genre and multi-faceted. He held numerous professional positions and duties in the Prussian capital, and his artistic collaborations and publishing projects were both diverse and cross-genre. To mark his 300th birthday on February 25, 2025, the Gleimhaus, represented by Ute Pott, is organising the symposium in cooperation with Maximilian Bach (Wolfenbüttel), Jana Kittelmann (MLU Halle-Wittenberg), and the German Society for the Study of the 18th Century. The symposium will spotlight Ramler's contributions as a true multi-talent of the Enlightenment.
Lesekultur im 18. Jahrhundert
[vom 23. bis 25. November 2000 wurde im Gleimhaus in Halberstadt das Internationale Kolloquium "Geselligkeit und Bibliothek. Lesekultur im 18. Jahrhundert" veranstaltet]
Hrsg. von Wolfgang Adam und Markus Fauser in Zusarb. mit Ute Pott
Schriftenreihe: Schriften des Gleimhauses Halberstadt ; 4
Porträtkunst und Porträtkultur der Aufklärung
[Katalog zur Ausstellung im Gleimhaus Halberstadt vom 29. August bis zum 20. November 2010
im Rahmen des Themenjahres "Menschenbilder" des Museumsnetzwerks "Sachsen-Anhalt und das 18. Jahrhundert"]
Hrsg. von Reimar F. Lacher.
Mit Beitr. von Helmut Börsch-Supan und Doris Schumacher
Schriftenreihe: Schriften des Gleimhauses Halberstadt ; 7
Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim - Johann Lorenz Benzler
Hrsg. von Claudia Brandt
Schriftenreihe: Schriften des Gleimhauses Halberstadt ; 11
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