German Museum. January to June 1783/ edited by Heinrich Christian Boie and Christian Konrad Wilhelm von Dohm. - Leipzig : Weygand
From 1776 to 1788, Heinrich Christian Boie was the editor of the journal Deutsches Museum (German Museum), initially together with Christian Wilhelm von Dohm and from 1779 alone. The monthly magazine contained literary, philosophical and political treatises by various authors: Herder, Goethe and Klopstock, for example, were among them, but there are also a number of contributions by Gleim.
Restoration measures: Dry cleaning of the book block; separate binding of book block
endpapers: renew endpaper construction at front and back; wet treatment of leaves; book block: stabilise/re-stitch stitching; re-backing with fabric; binding restoration: new cover paper (old colour pink), stabilise cover boards, edges, corners, ...
Nachtigal, Johann Karl Christoph: Psalmen, gesungen vor Davids Thronbesteigung oder in Beziehung auf seine frühere Lebensperiode (Psalms, Sung Before David's Accession to the Throne or in Relation to His Earlier Life Period)/ Translated and revised, with historical introductions and notes by J. C. C. Nachtigal. - Halle: Gebauer, 1797
Johann Karl Christoph Nachtigal (1753 - 1819) owed his school education to the Halberstadt Stephaneum, in particular its outstanding Rector Struensee. He studied in Halle and was appointed teacher at the Stephaneum in 1773 through Struensee's mediation. He was a contributor to various journals (including Gemeinnützige Blätter, Deutsche Monatsschrift) and also made a name for himself with his translations, such as this one of the Psalms.
Restoration measures: partial dry cleaning, tears and missing parts in the book block; restoration of the cover paper (filling in missing parts and closing tears)
Lambertus, Franciscus:
Francisci Lamberti Avenionensis Theologi Commentarij de causis excæcationis multorū sæculorum, ac ucritate, denuo [et] novißime Dei misericordia
revelata ... - [s.l.], [s.a.]. - 96 [i.e. 97] pp.
A large number of the books from the Reformation period, which are now in the Marktkirchenbibliothek in Goslar, come from Halberstadt. The owner at the time, the vicar and scholar Andreas Gronewalt, a confidant of Cardinal Albrecht von Brandenburg, was in favour of Reformation ideas despite his Catholic denomination. He built up a library to this end, but under the (Catholic) pressure of the events in Halberstadt, he had it moved to a friend in Goslar around 1535. Only a few copies, including the book to be restored here, remained in Halberstadt.
Francisci Lamberti In diui Lucae Euangelium Commentarij ... - Nunc tertio recogniti, ac locupletati. - Argentorati : Hervagius, 1526 - [16], 270 p. ; 8°
Damage: surface contamination, rear wooden cover broken / worm damage, mechanical damage to the book block, compression and creases, damage to the binding leather, clasp hook missing
Schulz, Johann Heinrich:
Erweis des himmelweiten Unterschieds der Moral von der Religion: nebst genauer Bestimmung der Begriffe von Theologie, Religion, Kirche und (protestantischer) Hierarchie, und des Verhältnisses dieser Dinge zur Moral und zum Staate (Proof of the Vast Difference Between Morality and Religion: Along with a Precise Definition of the Concepts of Theology, Religion, Church, and (Protestant) Hierarchy, and the Relationship of These Matters to Morality and the State) / Von einem unerschrocknen Wahrheitsfreunde [i.e. Johann Heinrich Schulz]. (By an Undaunted Friend of Truth [i.e. Johann Heinrich Schulz])- Frankfurt; Leipzig, 1788
Restoration measures: Dry cleaning of the book block and the binding; paper treatment of the book block, closing tears, filling in missing areas; restoration of the cover paper.
Johann Heinrich Schulz (1739-1823) was a German theological enlightener and philosopher. Schulz was a preacher in Gielsdorf near Berlin and became known as the Zopfschulz because he always wore a plait instead of the usual wig. In 1783, he set out his Enlightenment ideas on religious philosophy in his work Versuch einer Anleitung zur Sittenlehre für alle Menschen ohne Unterschied der Religion (Attempt at a guide to moral teaching for all people without distinction of religion ), which Kant wrote a review of in the same year. With regard to punishment, Schulz was already of the opinion that "avenging punishments", in particular the death penalty, were unjust and that instead reparation and correction should be the aim of all penal laws. When, in 1788, Schulz reaffirmed his Enlightenment view of religion even further in his essayErweis des himmelweiten Unterschieds der Moral von der Religion: nebst genauer Bestimmung der Begriffe von Theologie, Religion, Kirche und (protestantischer) Hierarchie, und des Verhältnisses dieser Dinge zur Moral und zum Staate / von einem unerschrocknen Wahrheitsfreunde, he was suspended from office in 1791.
Die Bevestigung des Herzens in der wahren Religion/[...] (The Strengthening of the Heart in the True Religion [...])
In einer Predigt [...] (In a Sermon [...])
An- und Abschieds-Reden, Wie auch Einer kurzen Historischen Nachricht/[...] (Farewell and Address Speeches, as well as a Brief Historical Account [...]) (Halberstadt 1732)
Damage: surface contamination, discolouration in the book block
Book block: thread stitching intact, front fold open
Front flyleaf detached,
Spine cover broken and missing corners, edges bumped
Boysen, Peter Adolph (1690-1743): German Protestant theologian, philosopher, historian, 1723 pastor at the Liebfrauenkirche and was appointed consistorial councillor in 1731
Boysen wrote theological, philological and historical writings on antiquities. For example, the "Neue Acerra philologica oder Gründl. Nachrichten aus der Philologie und den römischen und griechischen Antiquitäten" (New Acerra Philologica, or Thorough Reports on Philology and Roman and Greek Antiquities) (Halle 1715), "De legione fulminatrice" (1719), "Phaedri fabulae" (1714) and "Historia Mich. Serveti" (1712)
Text source: (last accessed: 24.08.)
Collection of remarkable biographies, largely translated from the British biography and published under the supervision and with a preface by D. Siegmund Jacob Baumgarten. Second part
(Halle, 1754)
Baumgarten, D. Siegmund Jacob
Damage: surface contamination, paper waterstained
Book block: stitching intact, binding stable, deformed
Book cover deformed, tears, creases in leaf, leather spine open, torn
1722 admitted to the Pädagogium in Halle. 28 April 1724 matriculation at the University of Halle. Later teacher and 1726 inspector of the Latin school in Halle. 1728 assistant to Gotthilf August Francke in the preaching ministry in Halle. 1730 assistant to the Faculty of Theology at the University of Halle. 1734 Professor of theology, resigning all other posts.
He is regarded as a pioneer of the historical-critical method, which was further developed by his pupil Johann Salomo Semler (1725-1791) in particular. Voltaire saw Baumgarten as "the crown of German scholars".
Collection of remarkable biographies, mostly from British biography: contains the biographies of Oliver Cromwell - John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough - Francis Drake - Francis Bacon - Anthony Bacon - John Bradford - Richard Boyle - Richard Boyle, Earl of Burlington and Cork - Roger Boyle (Orrery) - Robert Boyle - Carl Boyle (Orrery) - Lancelot Addison - Joseph Addison - Thomas Blood - Louis I, Duke of Orleans - Robert of Sorbon
Text sources:,,, [Art. no. B0064] (last access: 25.08.17)
August Hermann Franckens, Predigten über die Sonn- und Fest-Tags-Episteln / Nebst einer Vorrede vom erbaulichen predigen / und von dem rechten Gebrauch dieser Predigten, auch Mit nöthigen Registern versehen. (August Hermann Francken's, Sermons on the Sunday and Festival Epistles / Together with a preface on edifying preaching / and the right use of these sermons, also provided with necessary registers.)
The other EDITION. (Halle, 1729) Francken, August Hermann
Damage: spine, binding partially detached, heavy surface contamination
Book block: stitching intact, binding stable, spine cover missing parts in the leather, edges corners scuffed
Francke, August Hermann (1663-1727): Educator, Lutheran theologian, pietist, founder of the Halle orphanage
Author of numerous writings, primarily on theology and education.
1698 received the first electoral privilege for the orphanage with its associated bookshop, printing works and pharmacy. This privilege is the founding document of the Francke Foundations.
Text sources:,, -> [Online resource with access to respective sections of the content via directory] (last access: 25.08.17)<xml>
Lamperti Gedickens, Evangelische Aufmunterung Zum wahrenthätigen Christenthum, Aus denen gewöhnlichen Sonn- und Fest-Tags-Evangeliis des ganzen Jahrs (Lamperti Gedickens, Evangelical Encouragement Towards True, Active Christianity, From the Ordinary Sunday and Feast Day Gospels of the Whole Year), Nebst einem Anhang Einiger Busz-Predigten, Mit beygefügten Dispositionen über jeden TEXT, und nöthigen Register versehen (In addition to an appendix of some Busz sermons, with attached dispositions for each TEXT, and the necessary registers). (Berlin, 1732)
Gedicken, Lamperti
Damage: surface contamination
Book block: strongly concave deformed, stitching intact, binding stable
Binding cover spine defects in the leather possibly shrunk in the spine (deformation), edges corners scraped
Gedicken, Lamperti: [...] Königl. Preusz. Probst und Inspectoris des Feld-Ministerii, Consistorii militaris Assessoris, und Garnison-Prediger in Berlin, [...] (from the book itself, see title)
Rossi, Gian Vittorio: Iani Nicii Erythraei Exempla Virtutum et Vitiorum.-Editio Secunda- Coloniae Ubiorum: Kalcovius, 1645.-: [8] p., 235 p., [2] p. : copperplate, Portr. (copper engraving).
Damage: front and back covers broken, surface contamination, book block: stitching intact, binding: spine leather badly damaged
Other persons:
Fabius Chisius, Episcopus Neritonensis (dedicatee)
Sierstorpffius, Henricus Franck (censor)
Kalckhoven, Jost (contributor)
Ayala, Gregorius (contributor)
Alemannus, Christianus (contributor)
Attached work:
Söffing, Justus: Historia de creatione mundi et Adami. - Rudolstadt : Freyschmid, 1667, 56 p., 32 p.
Necessary restoration work:
Dry cleaning of the book block, separate binding/book block,
Endpapers: renew endpaper construction front and back, first and last layer wet treatment,
Book block: re-glue behind,
Binding restoration: underlay spine with leather, re-glue and strengthen cover front and back, strengthen book cover edges,
Book block and cover together
Corpvs Ivris Canonici Emendatvm Et Notis illustratum / Gregorii XIII Popnt. Max. Ivssv Editvm. Indicibvs Variis, Et Notis, & appendice Peyli Lancelotti Perusini adauctum ... ; Accesservnt Novissime Loci Commvnes vberrimi, summa diligentia ex ipsis Canonibus collecti, & ordine ac methodo singulari ad vsum Fori vtriusque fideliter digesti: Theologis, Politicis, & Practicis pernecessarij. - [S.l.], 1650. - [32] pp., 1272 sp., [10] pp., 752 sp., [6] pp., 406 sp., [4] pp., 158 sp., [31] pp. : ill. (woodcut). ; 4°
Damage: binding and book block separated, heavy surface contamination, mould damage, book block: stitching intact, binding stable, cover heavily deformed and shrunken
to title:
Accesservnt Novissime Loci Commvnes vberrimi, summa diligentia ex ipsis Canonibus collecti, & ordine ac methodo singulari ad vsum Fori vtriusque fideliter digesti: Theologis, Politicis, & Practicis pernecessarij. - [S.l.], 1650. - [32] p., 1272 sp., [10] p., 752 sp., [6] p., 406 sp., [4] p., 158 sp., [31] p. : ill. (woodcuts). ; 4°
Other persons:
Gregorius, Papa, XIII (ed.)
Lancellotti, Giovan Paolo (editor)
Necessary restoration work:
Dry cleaning of the book block, separating the binding/book block,
Endpapers: renewing the endpaper construction at the front and back, first and last layer wet treatment,
Book block: securing the capital, re-gluing,
Binding restoration: conditioning the leather, stabilising, closing tears, strengthening the book cover, bringing it into shape by smoothing,
book block and cover together
Pererius, Benedictus: De Communibus omnium rerum naturalium Principiis &
Affectionibus, Libri Qvindecim ... Adiecti sunt ... tres indices, vnus Capitum singulorum librorum, alter Quæstionum tertius rerum. - Lvgdvni, Sumptibus Sib. à Porta, 1588. - [12] pp., 849 pp., [20] pp. ; 8°
(incomplete, only available up to page 826)
Damage: spine and rear cover and rear quires missing; surface contamination; book block: stitching stable; back binding cut off
[Richardson, Samuel]: Geschichte Herrn Carl Grandison : in Briefen entworfen von dem Verfasser der Pamela und der Clarissa ([Richardson, Samuel]: History of Mr Carl Grandison : sketched in letters by the author of Pamela and Clarissa) / Translated from the English. - Part: Volume I. - Leipzig: In der Weidmannischen Handlung, 1754.
Damage: binding and book block detached, heavy surface contamination/mould damage, book block: stitching intact, binding stable, cover deformed and edges rubbed, spine missing
Dissertatio de Euripides Iphigenia in Aulide - [s.l.], n.d. LXXX p.
Damage: heavy water damage, mould damage, heavy surface contamination, discolouration in the book block, heavily contaminated, stained mechanical damage, book block: stitching stable, book block deformed, binding: cover paper and cover detached
Fritsch, Johann Heinrich:
Johann August Hermes, Doctor der Theologie, Consistorialrath, Oberhofprediger und Superintendent zu Quedlinburg, nach seinem Leben, Charakter und Wirken dargestellt (Johann August Hermes, Doctor of Theology, Consistorial Councillor, Chief Court Preacher, and Superintendent in Quedlinburg, Presented According to His Life, Character, and Work)/ by Joh. Heinr. Fritsch ... Quedlinburg; Leipzig: Basse, 1827
Damage: dry cleaning; paper treatment of the book block; restoration of the cover paper.
Johann August Hermes (1736 - 1822) was a German Protestant theologian and clergyman of the Enlightenment period. He was also active as a writer and published the Wöchentliche Beiträge zur Beförderung der Gottseligkeit (Weekly Contributions to the Promotion of Godliness). However, his progressive writings made him vulnerable and in 1773 he was investigated by the consistory in Waren, where he worked. He later became senior preacher and consistorial councillor at St Nicholas' Church in Quedlinburg, and finally senior preacher at Quedlinburg Abbey in 1799.